Become a Member!
Welcome to the Bulkley Valley Farmers’ Market!
Let us help you grow your business!
The Bulkley Valley Farmers’ Market is a great way to grow your small business. New entrepreneurs can use the Farmers’ Market to fine tune their product display, hone their marketing skills, and build a customer base. Established businesses can grow their market share.
Membership to the Bulkley Valley Farmers’ Market Association gives you a voice in the organization and reduces your stall fees.
If you don’t own a business but want to support the Bulkley Valley Farmers’ Market, you can purchase an Associate Membership! Associate members are passionate about local food and community, and are some of the Farmers’ Markets most valuable assets.
Layten, our Market Manager, will be happy to help you through the process of becoming a vendor at the Bulkley Valley Farmers’ Market!
Layten Harder, Market Manager:
Email: manager@bvfm.ca
Phone: 250-847-1208
If you prefer to download and/or print off the forms, please select one of the buttons below. Vendors need to have their vendor application forms approved before they can sell at the BV Farmers’ Market. Please email forms to the Market Manager at manager@bvfm.ca.
Bulkley Valley Farmers’ Market Membership Application Form
Membership Fees:
Please e-transfer your membership fee to info@bvfm.ca.